Welcome to Reach Baltimore

This blog was designed to keep you posted on our church planting efforts in Baltimore, MD. Our Goal is not simply to start churches, it's to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Aroma of Jesus

While thinking about church planting it is easy to get strategic and develop core values, mission, vision, and a plan for reaching people. It’s easy to think of creative ways to catch people’s attention or draw them into something unique and exciting. Quite honestly I thrive on the strategy of “winning” people to Christ. As I was reading Paul this morning in 1 Corinthians I am again reminded that we are foolish, and all the wisdom in the world is worthless without the simple message of the cross.

It all comes back to the Gospel. We are called to live lives that are so transparent and Christ centered that people feel the Gospel. Imagine what it would be like if when people came into a room of believers they could smell and taste the presence of Jesus Christ. If we lived in such a way that it was painfully obvious that there is something different about us as believers. When we as believers walk into the places of culture do others see, hear, and smell the glory of God on, in, and through us? That is being incarnational. That is what Paul encouraged us to do. To not focus solely on the fancy tracks, programs, and light shows. But to love people and depend on the power of the Gospel message.

I pray that I might love people in such a way that the aroma of Jesus Christ is existent, and it is pleasing to the Lord.

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